Camper, Matt

Contact Information:
- Email:
- Office: 970-491-0713
Home University:
- Colorado State University
- 301 University Avenue
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1101
Matt Camper is the assistant dean of teaching practice and academic programs in the Department of Agricultural Biology. His scope of work includes coordinating curriculum development and new program development in CAS, as well as assisting departments in adopting high-impact teaching practices and evaluating teaching effectiveness.
He is a passionate champion of the continuum of care for CSU students and an inclusive and affirming environment for our students, faculty, and staff especially as it relates to the classroom and curriculum.
Camper is an entomologist, current director of The CSU Bug Zoo (a live arthropod collection that meets with over 50,000 students and community members from nearly 50 different schools and multiple other events across the state), and the faculty sponsor for the CSU Entomology Club (the oldest continuously run student club at CSU).
B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Criminal Justice, Colorado State University, 2001
B.S. in Psychology, Colorado State University, 2001
M.S. in Entomology, Colorado State University, 2007