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Quantitative Genetics & Genomics Courses

Course Information

Genetic Prediction

Colorado State University Colorado State University logo
Course Number:
ANEQ 535
Credit Hours:
1 credit hours - $600 per credit
Start/End Dates:
September 25, 2023 - October 29, 2023


Course Description

This course will increase student understanding of best linear unbiased prediction and develop skills in genetic prediction. A wide array of material will be covered with emphasis on real-world datasets designed to develop applied analytical skills relative in animal breeding. Topics will include data integrity diagnosis, contemporary grouping strategies, adjusting for known non-genetic effects, the AWK Programming Language, UNIX/Linux scripting, and use of the Animal Breeder's Toolkit to perform genetic evaluations. Students will develop procedures for the utilization of various sources of information for the calculations of predictions of genetic merit in the form of estimated breeding values. Prerequisite: Linear Models in Animal Breeding



R. Mark Enns
Office: 970-491-2722

Campus Coordinator

For course access questions, contact the teaching university’s campus coordinator. For enrollment questions, contact your home university campus coordinator.

Disability Support Services

To request accommodations for this course, contact the disability support office at your home university. You must register each semester and for each course. Read more about the IDEA process for requesting accommodations.

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Not Required

Course Access

Approximately three weeks before the first day of class at Colorado State University, the CSU campus coordinator, Mary Colasanti, emails course access instructions to students for courses taught by CSU. Using these instructions, students create their Colorado State eID (electronic identity). Students meeting all deadlines for eID creation and submission will have access to RamCT by the first day of class.

Exam Proctor

This course does not require an exam proctor.

Synchronous Components

This course does not include synchronous components.


Recommended text:
Mrode, R. A., 3rd Edition, 2014
Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK
(ISBN 978-1780643915)

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University Contact

Click on the campus coordinator name to get their contact information. Click on the university name to learn more about how IDEA works at that campus.