Family Financial Planning Graduate Programs
Insurance Planning for Families*

Course Description
Kathryn Morrison
For course access questions, contact the teaching university’s campus coordinator. For enrollment questions, contact your home university campus coordinator.
DirectoryTo request accommodations for this course, contact the disability support office at your home university. You must register each semester and for each course. Read more about the IDEA process for requesting accommodations.
Learn MoreTextbooks
Insurance Planning
Dalton, J., Dalton, M., Langdon, T. & Gillice, J.
Edition: (2020). 7th Ed.
ISBN: 978-1-946711-31-1
Publisher: Money Education.
Course Access
Exam Proctor
This course does not require an exam proctor.
Synchronous Components
This course does not include synchronous components.
This course requires a financial calculator with a manual. The instructor can provide video tutorials for the Texas Instruments BA II Plus financial calculator. The instructor is also familiar with the HP12C.
Meet Our Faculty
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Click on the campus coordinator name to get their contact information. Click on the university name to learn more about how IDEA works at that campus.