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Course Planner

Agricultural & Environmental Law Undergraduate Certificate

The agricultural & environmental law four-year course planner details when online undergraduate courses are offered and the instructing universities.

Agricultural & Environmental Law Undergraduate Certificate Course or Instructor Availability by Year and Semester

Core Courses

Students interested in completing a certificate in Agricultural & Environmental Law should work with their academic advisor to identify elective courses to complete the 15 credit certificate program. These additional courses should complement the student's interest in undergraduate training in agriculture or environmental law as well as complement the students overall academic and professional interests.

Agricultural Law3SDStateNCSUSDStateNCSUSDState
Environmental Law3Ethan AmanNCSUSDState
Agricultural Policy3SDStateSDStateSDStateSDState
Advanced Cooperatives3Frayne OlsonNDSUNDSUNDSU
Ethics in Agribusiness3SDStateSDStateSDStateSDState
Food Law3SDStateSDState
Global Food Systems3SDStateSDStateSDState
Cooperatives3Frayne OlsonSDStateSDStateSDState